It’s likely that your businesses is investing more and more in social media, both in terms of resource and spend.

With that in mind and because we all love free stuff, here’s five of our favourite free social media tools that will save your business time and money.


Visuals are central to any social media content. Attention-grabbing images are a must if you want to tell your story and share your company message.
And size matters. Every social platform has different ideal image sizes, there are any number of infographics and guides to getting the right size for the right platform.
But imagine a free online tool that allows you to resize your pics for Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter…in fact, all the major social players. Thanks to the team at, you need imagine no more.


This is another great tool that’ll boost your social media marketing efforts by allowing you to create personalised video and animated content that audiences will love.
And boy do social audiences love video – this year it’s predicted that video content will make up 74% of all online traffic
Quick and easy to use, Ripl creates great video from your content and allows you to share content across all social channels.


CoSchedule Headline Analyzer
Do you want to ‘Write compelling social messages to drive traffic back to your website, blog?’ Of course you do!
This neat and free tool rates the quality of your post, and makes suggestions on how you can make it more appealing to your audience. It helps to optimise your post in only a matter of seconds. It’ll analyse your balance of common, uncommon, emotional and power words in your post, and advise on the ideal post ratio of these. Did you know great headlines usually contain one ‘power word’ or that emotional words have been proven to ‘drive clicks and shares’ – exactly what you’re after.


Sweet, sweet Tweetdeck, one of our oldest and dearest friends…few tools allow you to manage your Twitter account(s) so easily. You can stay on top of Twitter lists, Twitter searches, hashtags, search for the right content and listen to the conversation of competitors and other industry figures. If you’re not already using it, start now.


Data, data everywhere…it’s all too easy to find yourself drowning in a sea of data. But all those voices that tell you monitoring and measuring your performance – making best use of the data to guide your social strategy – are, in fact, right. There’s no end of analytics tools but are they free and are they as simple to use as they should be.
Well, LikeAlyzer, from MeltWater is, and it’s a little gem that helps you to measure and analyze the potential and effectiveness of your Facebook Page.
It allows you to monitor, compare and explore all the possibilities of your Facebook Page by evaluating your activity in a non-complex way.


Talk to us today if you want to explore how social media can help you do business. PR Team can help with audits, set-up, and publishing and content strategies to get you doing business better because of social media.